Jo's Co #25
Novembro a começar, e se habitualmente as publicações do Jo’s Co ficam guardadas para o fim do mês, desta vez vai ser diferente! Se seguem estas partilhas com atenção vão reconhecer a Margarida, que já vos foi apresentada aqui em 2018. Já nos conhecíamos das redes sociais, por causa do blog, e acabamos por nos encontrar pela primeira vez para assistir a um desfile do Diogo Miranda. Na altura conheci também a Rita, a prima da Margarida, e disse-lhe logo que haveria de a fotografar um dia. Desta vez voltamos a encontrar-nos, uma vez mais no Portugal Fashion, e eu não podia deixar escapar a oportunidade. Em breve conto-vos melhor o motivo que as trouxe do Alentejo até às margens do Douro, mas agora quero só que apreciem estes dois looks brutais. A Margarida e a Rita são donas de um estilo trendy, chamativo e cheio de personalidade. Costumo dizer que na moda é preciso saber segurar certas peças, e há pessoas que seguram bem qualquer trapo que coloquem no corpo. Elas são exemplo disso e eu gosto mesmo desta vibe. Não sei se me atreveria a usar um cycling shorts assim mas adoro vê-las com eles! Que pinta!!! Já lhes disse que deviam criar um blog, não acham?
November is beginning, and if Jo's Co's posts are usually saved for the end of the month, this time will be different! If you follow these shares carefully you will recognize Margarida, who was introduced to you here in 2018. We already knew each other from social networks, because of the blog, and ended up meeting for the first time to watch a Diogo Miranda’s show. At the time I also met Rita, Margarida's cousin, and told her right away that I would have to photograph her one day. This time we met again at Portugal Fashion, and I couldn't miss the opportunity. Soon I will tell you better what brought them from the Alentejo to the banks of the Douro, but now I just want you to enjoy these two brutal looks. Margarida and Rita are the owners of a trendy, flashy and full of personality style. I often say that in fashion you have to know how to hold certain pieces, and there are people who hold tightly any rags they put on the body. They are an example of that and I really like this vibe. I don't know if I would dare to wear cycling shorts like that but I love to see them with them! So so cool!!! I think they should create a blog, don't you think?
November is beginning, and if Jo's Co's posts are usually saved for the end of the month, this time will be different! If you follow these shares carefully you will recognize Margarida, who was introduced to you here in 2018. We already knew each other from social networks, because of the blog, and ended up meeting for the first time to watch a Diogo Miranda’s show. At the time I also met Rita, Margarida's cousin, and told her right away that I would have to photograph her one day. This time we met again at Portugal Fashion, and I couldn't miss the opportunity. Soon I will tell you better what brought them from the Alentejo to the banks of the Douro, but now I just want you to enjoy these two brutal looks. Margarida and Rita are the owners of a trendy, flashy and full of personality style. I often say that in fashion you have to know how to hold certain pieces, and there are people who hold tightly any rags they put on the body. They are an example of that and I really like this vibe. I don't know if I would dare to wear cycling shorts like that but I love to see them with them! So so cool!!! I think they should create a blog, don't you think?
MARGARIDA sweatshirt ASOS | calções.shorts Goi | mala.bag RIMA | sandálias.sandals Tony Bianco
RITA blusa.blouse Diogo Miranda | casaco.jacket Zara | calções.shorts Loja local.Local store | mala.bag RIMA | Friendly Fire